Thursday, October 22, 2009

3 Weeks Old

By 3 weeks post-partum, I was already desperate for my old-self. Motherhood is tough. Shaqeel cried a lot which was what apparently due to angin. He slept only on my arms and will cry the moment he was put down. He nursed all the time. That was the moment when I truly accepted why God made me and Emil wait 3 years. I had much shorter fuse 3 years ago..kuikuikui

3 weeks old and already chubbier cheeks

Despite all that, I would do this again in a heartbeat :) But let's wait till I'm back at my pre pregnancy weight kay.

1 comment:

Inty Winty said...

Hohoho. Betul, betul. Agree about the shorter fuse. Sekarang lu lebih zen. Heh heh