Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bath Time

I am proud to announce that Shaqeel now loves water! Yay Shaqeel! And Yay Me too! :)

I didn't do anything actually. It happened suddenly. One night he was still wailing when I took off his shirts. The next morning, he suddenly loved it! Maybe he overcame his fear in his dreams hehe

I didn't want to jinx it by telling the whole world about this but I think it's safe now. He has been consistently loving bath time for almost 2 weeks now, it's such a relief!

I'm lovin it!

But, the crying still persists. Now, Shaqeel cries his lungs out every time bath time ends :)


Inty Winty said...

Pulak dah. Tapi at least he loves bath time! Yay!

p/s: strategically located leg, huh. Hahaha.

Baby Shaq said...

Ya lorr...gotta protect Shaqeel's stuff haha!