Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shaqeel and Milk

I have been fortunate enough to be able to nurse Shaqeel from birth right up to this point of his life. Shaqeel is almost 10 months old today and he has been enjoying nothing but yummy milk from Mommy ;p

I am experiencing first hand the wonderful effects of breast milk. Shaqeel is a very healthy baby, Alhamdulillah. He has not had a fever once. He breezed through teething (OK lah, baru je 2). When we vacationed to London and Paris when Shaqeel was 5 months old, I didn't have to lug around his bottles and feeding system. Very convenient!

Christmas in Paris

Having said that, I don’t belong to a breastfeeding club either. I don’t understand breastfeeding mothers who criticize other mothers who do not breastfeed due to whatever reasons they choose not to. I don’t understand breastfeeding mothers who are so passionate about nursing that they judge and put down formula feeding mothers. Sure, breast milk is best, but formula is good too! To each mother, her own ya.

For me, I absolutely love the time I spend nursing Shaqeel. It's a bonding moment shared only by me and Shaqeel. The way he looks at me with his big round eyes, the way his hand hugs my body and tickles me and sometimes slaps his little hands on my chest, the way it is the only thing that comforts him like no other... Ahhhhhhh its just the sweetest!


I’ve been diligently pumping milk since I started work 8 months ago. Always at 11am and 3pm, plus minus 15 minutes. I would excuse myself from a meeting to pump when the time comes. I’ve even perfected the art of pumping while driving hehe.

However, since I’ve started this new job that requires me to travel within Klang Valley a lot, I’ve not been as disciplined as before. I would still pump twice during the day, but the result of this inconsistency has depleted the production by a lot. Hmm....

Jadi, apakah motif cerita di atas? Adakah untuk meng-justify to myself that I want to stop pumping? Actually, yes! Hehehehe.. I give myself until Shaqeel turns 1. Then my plan is to feed him formula milk and susu lembu but also to continue nursing whenever Shaqeel is with me until he’s 2 years old, InsyaAllah.....

1 comment:

Maryam & Yusuf said...

go mummy go! cute la pipi shaqeel...