Monday, April 5, 2010

A Visit to KL Bird Park

We went to KL Bird Park 2 weekends ago with Nani, Uncle Shahreel and Aunty Finaz. That was my first time to the Bird Park and boy, was it huge! The worker there told us that it usually takes about 1.5 hour to 2 hours walk to fully explore the place. I survived only 1 hour 15 mins hehe

Why so serious, baby?

It was quite impressive, I must say. There were varieties of colourful birds and well explained too. Shaqeel is still young to appreciate the different birds but I think he did have fun looking at the colours, trees and the people.

Save me Mommy!


Inty Winty said...

kikiki apa la handsome boy menangis

Baby Shaq said...

Merak tuh dah macam kurang dia nye bulu. Tak gah sangat.

ddfirdaus said...

ala cutenye muke Shaq muke dah penat??