Last Saturday, we went for Shaqeel's 9 months follow up checkup with his paed at Pantai Hosp. His previous checkup was in January when he was 6 months for the immunization jab. He weighed 7.23kg then. He weighs 7.4kg now.
200g increase in 3 months!
Shaqeel actually has a very good appetite. I started him on solids when he was almost 6 months old. I've been feeding him porridge with meat/chicken/fish and broccoli/carrot for lunch and dinner. Sometimes, he snacks on bananas or apples. Well balanced diet, I think.
Anyway, the Dr asked to increase his milk intake. Babies below 1 year old gets most of their nutrients from milk and the objective of introducing solids is mainly to let them experience different taste and texture.
So she suggested that I may want to supplement Shaqeel with formula milk. The reason was because breast milk is low in iron so he might not get enough nutrients from breast milk alone. Formula is sure to contain all the iron babies need.
Anyone got any ideas?
200g increase in 3 months!
Shaqeel actually has a very good appetite. I started him on solids when he was almost 6 months old. I've been feeding him porridge with meat/chicken/fish and broccoli/carrot for lunch and dinner. Sometimes, he snacks on bananas or apples. Well balanced diet, I think.
Anyway, the Dr asked to increase his milk intake. Babies below 1 year old gets most of their nutrients from milk and the objective of introducing solids is mainly to let them experience different taste and texture.
So she suggested that I may want to supplement Shaqeel with formula milk. The reason was because breast milk is low in iron so he might not get enough nutrients from breast milk alone. Formula is sure to contain all the iron babies need.
Anyone got any ideas?
hmm tak bape tau pulak nk komen pasal breastmilk tak cukup iron tuh. tp kalo aku jd ko, aku tak tambah formula kot hihi..setahu aku vit c bantu absorb iron.maybe ko bole combine vitc + iron kasi kat shaq.tiap hari mesti makan buah utk dpt vit c.dlm bubur ko campur potato potong dadu selain meat+brocolli. potato dan sweet potato byk iron. da besa sket ko bole introduce tomato n pumpkin.
tak pun chy, ko gilir maybe 3x seminggu ko kasi cereals iron-fortified.dulu aku check satu2 kat kotak brand mana yg plg byk iron.nestle nestum beras putih yg kosong dan biskut rusk ape tah namanye tu plg byk skang maybe da ada byk brand baru.. hah slamat la ko lepak kat jusco bhg nestum tu lelama yeh :p
Thx Eja. Aku dah cuba bagi cereal, also recommended by the Dr. Aku akan cuba tips ko yang lain. Hehehe
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