Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shaqeel Goes To School

Did I tell you Shaqeel now goes to school? Yes, he is now the proud student of Mariah CDC, an Islamic English center at Bukit Antarabangsa. If you remember, I blogged once about this place when I was looking for a place to care for Shaqeel when our maid left.

The picture above shows Shaqeel in his uniform. If he had his way, he would wear jeans to school. He did not want to wear the kopiah at all, although he loves the songkok we bought him for Raya.

Every morning it is a battle to wake him up and bathe him. I need to be more patient, after all it has only been 4 days. A friend suggested he might not have enough sleep so that is the reason he could be cranky, solution is to let him sleep earlier which I'm going to try tonight.

1 comment:

minn said...

Assalamualaikum..if you are reading this, can i get your review on this school MCDC? Thanks!